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Paramjit Kaur

Comparion Lead Insurance Agent | Irving, TX

"Expert insurance advice from a member of your local community"
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(69 Reviews)

Quote with Paramjit

We're ready to offer personalized advice on your auto, home, life, or pet insurance needs.


511 E John Carpenter Fwy
Ste 180
Irving, TX 75062

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About me

Watch my intro video

I'm Paramjit Kaur, a Comparion Insuarnce representative in Irving, TX. My goal is to make things as simple and transparent as possible, so you can feel good about your insurance decision. Comparion exists to help people embrace today and confidently pursue tomorrow by delivering peace of mind and giving our customers protection from the unexpected. It's my goal to bring this promise to action. I look forward to learning more about you and helping you protect what matters most. Whether you're looking for personal lines (auto, home, other), life, or accident & health, give me a call any time 469-329-3144.


Licensed in

  • California - 0G96462

  • Texas - 1897329



  • Car insurance

  • Home insurance

  • Umbrella insurance

  • Life insurance

  • Insurance consulting



  • English

Reviews about Paramjit Kaur

Ratings Star FilledRatings Star HalfRatings Star Unfilled
Overall rating
5 out of 5 stars
5 / 5 stars
Total reviews
69 reviews
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